• word of the day


    loquacious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word loquacious

    (adj) full of trivial conversation
    Synonyms : chatty , gabby , garrulous , talkative , talky
    Example Sentence
    • kept from her housework by gabby neighbors
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for loquacious

it is derived from the root word 'loqua'... which refers to SPEECH or TALK

Remember Loqua with mokka.

loquacious : loq(speech,talk)+voracious.

pickup 'lok' from this word which means people. Now think of Indian Lok Sabha where there are many loquacious politicians.

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Loquacious --Loquat (Talk) + Cious sounds (She -always) –She is always talkative

talks like a LOCOMOTIVE

In lokshabha people speak trivial things

loq(log)+acious(anxious)..log that is people are anxiously waiting for talking about some one

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