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    litany - Dictionary definition and meaning for word litany

    (noun) any long and tedious address or recital
    Example Sentence
    • the patient recited a litany of complaints
    • a litany of failures
    (noun) a prayer consisting of a series of invocations by the priest with responses from the congregation
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split the word LIT+ANY You are hoping god is going to show you light in the dark to show you the path in these wretched times. LIGHT ANY path..

split the word LIT+ANY . god give LIGHT to ANY of my numerous requests. Hence, long prayes or repetitious list.

litany = light (lit ) + many (any) ; light as many candles as possible and pray along with the father (repeat the prayers aft father) ... not much meaningful but hope it helps you !

you knelt down before God and lit a knee on fire to say a prayer

try to relate it with the word Amin..and thats what we people say in Litany !


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