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    leery - Dictionary definition and meaning for word leery

    (adj) openly distrustful and unwilling to confide
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for leery

leery >when u are travelling in train and someone asks u to eat something then they say "leh ri" then u get suspicious at his offering..

rhymes with Wary so when u r leery u r wary .

leery-compare with jerry tom is always cautious and suspicious that jerry is around

rhymes with eerie... On viewing eerie things we get suspicious

Sounds like jerry...tom is always suspicious and cautious about jerry..

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Beware of the pace of Brett Lee

BBC TV, Hard Talk presenter Leery King always suspicious

Bruce Lee has a typical shine in his eye. He is always LEE-ry, i.e. cautious and distrustful, in case anyone attacks him suddenly.

After King Lear got betrayed so many times by his daughters, he must have been very suspicious of everything.

The word leer means a lustful or wanton look.....So you become leery(cautious) of people who leer at you.

BBC presenter Leery King always

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