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    lechery - Dictionary definition and meaning for word lechery

    (noun) unrestrained indulgence in sexual activity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lechery

lechery==imagine in a pub a pole dancer with lots of cherries clipped on her body....and she comes to you and says.."LE CHERRY kha..."..at dat point all the lustfulness/gross lewdness gets activated..:)

think of LEACH and u ll feel disgusted , so people like LEACH : gross lewdness;; lustful

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Bleach - lechers usually bleach their hairs .

lechery==imagine in a pub a pole dancer with lots of cherries clipped on her body....and she comes to you and says.."LE CHERRY kha..."..at dat point all the lustfulness/gross lewdness gets activated..:)

hmm lichi...how often hav we seen a movie in which girls are feeding lichis to the guy in a sensual manner

lecher = "lick her"

Lecher de Luchun(way of living) change nahin honde

sounds like treachery...you'll be treacherous when filled with too much lust

le cherry...ag agl giving cherry with her tongue,ur lustful desires gt activated..

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