• word of the day


    ken - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ken

    (noun) range of what one can know or understand
    Synonyms : cognizance
    Example Sentence
    • beyond my ken
    (noun) the range of vision
    Synonyms : sight
    Example Sentence
    • out of sight of land
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ken

ken reminds us of Kennedy=John F Kennedy. What a great range of knowledge he had!!!

ken sounds like "can" (v: able, n: container). A combination of these is: "able to understand" i.e., range of knowledge.

In china, if you have ken you can earn a lot of yen (money)

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ken is very similar to den which means place where wild animal live. So, if one having good ken (range of knowledge) won't go to the den.

the only knowledge kenny from southpark had was of sex

If someone is akin to you, you recognize, identify, have knowledge about him.

I cant understand this. This pepsi can business is beyond my ken.

pen - used to learn more knowledge

Word used in video below:
text: she told me that his name was Ken Adams
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