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    inveterate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word inveterate

    (adj) habitual
    Synonyms : chronic
    Example Sentence
    • a chronic smoker
    (adv) in a habitual and longstanding manner
    Synonyms : chronically
    Example Sentence
    • smoking chronically
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inveterate

In this word. we have a root ie.. veter--that have lasted a long time and seem likely to continue. This itself gives an idea of the meaning.

World war II veterans. veter is a root which means for a long time

in + veter (water) + ate -> even in water (flood) a deeply rooted tree will stand still...

Inveterate = in wet(vet) ra tea tagudam...its a habitual, deeply rooted, firmly established thing to have when the climate is wet..

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He had the habit of collecting information about different animals and he chose to study vet (veterinary) as his professional course.

invert + rate >>> yane jab koi shopkeeper ya koi bhaji wala rate bolata hai, tab womens ko AADAT(habitual) hoti hai bhaav karne ki

Inveterate = In + better + ate; He ated in good manner so he will lasting long.

These veteran smokers are inveterate smokers

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