• word of the day


    insurrection - Dictionary definition and meaning for word insurrection

    (noun) organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another
    Synonyms : rebellion , revolt , rising , uprising
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insurrection

in-surrection relate surrection with surrender thus -in surrection = not to surrender = rebellious

erection ... uprising :P

relate it to resurrection which means RISING from the dead.... insurrection.. ur conscience rising against the existing establishment

a rebellion always argue with his head (surr in hindi) Upright (erect)

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In+sur (head/ government) + reaction ( action/ rebel), so reaction/ rebel against the head/government.

In Sur (Head) Action i.e. INside SUR (mind) to take ACTION against authority

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