• word of the day


    insurgent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word insurgent

    (noun) a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions) Definition
    (noun) a member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment
    Synonyms : guerilla , guerrilla , irregular
    (adj) in opposition to a civil authority or government
    Synonyms : seditious , subversive
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insurgent

a person (army man) who does not listen to the command of his sergeant is rebellious in nature therefore in-surgent = one who does not listen to his sergeant[ commander] thus is rebellious.

in(not)+surgen(surgeon)...SURGEON people obey rules in the hospital and during operation.But INSURGEON people does not obey rules

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surge means to rise..in means against. RISE AGAINST = rebel

Insurgent(Insure~insurance+gent)the gents those who ever insured their lifes and kept safe are REVOLTING AGAINST AUTHORITY as they dont fear of death, because they have already insured their lifes.insurrectionary

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