• word of the day


    insensate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word insensate

    (adj) devoid of feeling and consciousness and animation
    Synonyms : insentient
    Example Sentence
    • insentient (or insensate) stone
    (adj) without compunction or human feeling
    Synonyms : cold , cold-blooded , inhuman
    Example Sentence
    • in cold blood
    • cold-blooded killing
    • insensate destruction
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insensate

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Insensate: who has no sense can not be moved or has no sense

in i.e no & sunset (for sensate)= if u dont get any feelings by looking at sunset this means u r an insensate person

In(no)+sen(sense)+sate(seth=sir)..when sate ask you "how u feeling"..u say NO SENSE(feelings) SETH(In sen sate)

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