• word of the day


    inordinate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word inordinate

    (adj) beyond normal limits
    Synonyms : excessive , undue , unreasonable
    Example Sentence
    • excessive charges
    • a book of inordinate length
    • his dress stops just short of undue elegance
    • unreasonable demands
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inordinate

you are in ordinate(y-axis) and y axis goes upwards without limit

split it as in+ord+din+ate... remember it as IN DIN(ner) he ORD(ered) and ATE EXCESSIVELY.

in+ordinary = inordinate means unrestrained.

inordinate:in (not) +ordinate(ordinary)-so not ordinary which is beyond the normal

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

inordinate.split it in(not),ordinate(order),when some body is not in order with higer authority or they r free to do whatever they want.so they become UNRESTRINED.

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