• word of the day


    ingrained - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ingrained

    (adj) (used especially of ideas or principles) deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held
    Example Sentence
    • deep-rooted prejudice
    • deep-seated differences of opinion
    • implanted convictions
    • ingrained habits of a lifetime
    • a deeply planted need
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ingrained

if we divide this into three parts...in+grain+ed....we see that middle part...grain....which is the seed of a food plant,,,and we know that food plant is always deeply rooted in the soil before it matures and devlop seeds.

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like wise ingrained habits are also deeply rootedand its difficult to change them untill strict action is not taken.

GRAIN-sowed deep IN the soil,completely so-deep rooted

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