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    ineluctable - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ineluctable

    (adj) impossible to avoid or evade:
    Synonyms : inescapable , unavoidable
    Example Sentence
    • inescapable conclusion
    • an ineluctable destiny
    • an unavoidable accident
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ineluctable

ineluctable -- in +luc(k)+table.. So, a person will be lucky or unlucky in his work on a particular day as per his luck-table, he can't escape from it, it's unavoidable.

Suppose a course is compulsory in a particular semester. So you are unable to 'elect' another course.

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IN(not)+ELECTABLE....that cannot be elected....you don't have choice to elect because there is no option hence you cannot escape from it....

ineluctable- in + luck + able - we are not able to avoid the fate anyhow which is in our luck

in + eluctate(=to struggle out, to escape) => inescapabale

ineluctable-[in-neglectable] unable to neglect

ineLuctable->LucK can't be avoid;not be escaped

indian elections cannot be avoided :P

LUCK - TABLE... You're playing blackjack at a table in a CASINO and your LUCK is so good, that its IRRESISTIBLE to stop playing even though you could lose all of it on one shot.

god has a list of luck table with rows as how lucky and columns as dates. This is called destiny. And Destiny is unavoidable :)

sounds like in means not reluctance not possible to stop.

In (usually shows negation ... Not ) + elu ... Try to relate this to elude - to escape ... In+elu - unable to escape ... Unavoidable

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