• word of the day


    ineffectual - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ineffectual

    (adj) not producing an intended effect
    Synonyms : ineffective , uneffective
    Example Sentence
    • an ineffective teacher
    • ineffective legislation
    (adj) producing no result or effect
    Synonyms : futile , otiose , unavailing
    Example Sentence
    • a futile effort
    • the therapy was ineffectual
    • an otiose undertaking
    • an unavailing attempt
    (adj) lacking in power or forcefulness
    Synonyms : ineffective , unable
    Example Sentence
    • an ineffectual ruler
    • like an unable phoenix in hot ashes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ineffectual

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IN = Not, effect sounds like effective. Thus, INEFFECTUAL = ineffective is UAL.

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