• word of the day


    incriminate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word incriminate

    (verb) suggest that someone is guilty
    Synonyms : imply , inculpate
    (verb) bring an accusation against; level a charge against
    Synonyms : accuse , criminate , impeach
    Example Sentence
    • The neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incriminate

here we need to remember two things the prefix IN intensifies or strengthen the suffix added to it. suffix here is criminate= to make some one criminal in-criminate = make someone further a criminal thus we we accuse someone who had a previous

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incriminate => take it as discriminate..differentiate between criminal and victim.accuse someone & discriminate by serving as evidence against.

incriminate -> insinuate that someone is criminal !

in + criminate(provide proof against a criminal) >>> to put the criminal in the jail... provide evidence against..

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