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    incontinent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word incontinent

    (adj) not having control over urination and defecation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incontinent

on continent or island say, there is no bahtrooms.. sou feel incontinent on continent or island.

continent == "continental food" -- if your health is not ok then u need "self restrain " from eating , ie "incontinent " means "lack of self restrain "

relate continent of [in-CONTINENT] with content thus in-continent is someone who is never content and thus he lacks self restrain and is licentious

read in as not cont as control and nent as pent so so no control regarding pent

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in(no) + continent (content) after 3 wins means John has NO CONTROL over eager to win.

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text: it is I incontinent wedding planner
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