• word of the day


    illicit - Dictionary definition and meaning for word illicit

    (adj) contrary to accepted morality (especially sexual morality) or convention
    Example Sentence
    • an illicit association with his secretary
    (adj) contrary to or forbidden by law
    Example Sentence
    • an illegitimate seizure of power
    • illicit trade
    • an outlaw strike
    • unlawful measures
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for illicit

ill+cit(y) = If you want to do any ill to a city, thats ILLEGAL

illicit- Black list. organizations indulging in Illicit trades are Black listed by government.

most of the CHINA-PRODUCTS = ILLICIT-PRODucts. It look like original but not( so its an OUTLAW PRODUCT)

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in a metro, if a person who is ill is standing and u r siting(cit)- this is against the laws. ILL + Is + CIT

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