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    homely - Dictionary definition and meaning for word homely

    (adj) lacking in physical beauty or proportion
    Synonyms : plain
    Example Sentence
    • a homely child
    • several of the buildings were downright homely
    • a plain girl with a freckled face
    (adj) having a feeling of home; cozy and comfortable
    Synonyms : homelike , homey , homy
    Example Sentence
    • the homely everyday atmosphere
    • a homey little inn
    (adj) plain and unpretentious
    Example Sentence
    • homely truths
    • letters to his son full of homely advice
    • homely fare
    (adj) without artificial refinement or elegance
    Example Sentence
    • plain homely furniture
    • homely manners
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for homely

"ghar ki murgi daal baraabar" means homely girls always seem unattractive to us

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Comely : attractive Homely : unattractive

comely is attractive...while homely is unattractive

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