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    gruff - Dictionary definition and meaning for word gruff

    (adj) brusque and surly and forbidding
    Example Sentence
    • crusty remarks
    • a crusty old man
    • his curmudgeonly temper
    • gruff manner
    • a gruff reply
    (adj) deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or emotion
    Synonyms : hoarse , husky
    Example Sentence
    • gruff voices
    • the dog's gruff barking
    • hoarse cries
    • makes all the instruments sound powerful but husky
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gruff

g+ruff ~ rough; a rough-mannered person is generally gruff.

gruff sounds like rough so rough persons are gruff

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dogs when angry sound like grrr uff uff ... a person shouting is considered rough mannered...

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