• word of the day


    gratuitous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word gratuitous

    (adj) without cause
    Example Sentence
    • a gratuitous insult
    (adj) costing nothing
    Synonyms : complimentary , costless , free , gratis
    Example Sentence
    • complimentary tickets
    • free admission
    (adj) unnecessary and unwarranted
    Synonyms : needless , uncalled-for
    Example Sentence
    • a strikers' tent camp...was burned with needless loss of life
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gratuitous

GRE tution is not necessary.It's about common sense :P

remember gratuity which is given freely to employee if they complete 5 yrs. or so in the company.

'Gratitude' is can not be measured. It is costless.

if someone tells you your graduate tuition is free, it would be uncalled for

gratitude means the quality of being thankful, graceful, .. to be gratitude is expressed free of charge, so GRATUITOUS means given or free of charge

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if we have gratitude towards someone, then we do anything for them free or without great reason..

GRE tuition from mnemonic dictionary is free

Great Ass....If an ass is available for free its great

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