• word of the day


    germinal - Dictionary definition and meaning for word germinal

    (noun) seventh month of the Revolutionary calendar (March and April); the month of buds Definition
    (adj) containing seeds of later development
    Synonyms : originative , seminal
    Example Sentence
    • seminal ideas of one discipline can influence the growth of another
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for germinal

new (GERM) (IN) house bits (AL) and creatively a nw disease occurs

Grminal is opposite to termnal.

Germ means sprout; e.g. germination of seeds. So germinal = create something; germ = germs fought by LifeBoy; So germinal can also be disease-like

germ minimum..ie in the early stage…

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Germs in hands were at germinal stage which I wiped out at nal.

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