• word of the day


    garbled - Dictionary definition and meaning for word garbled

    (adj) lacking orderly continuity
    Example Sentence
    • a confused set of instructions
    • a confused dream about the end of the world
    • disconnected fragments of a story
    • scattered thoughts
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for garbled

remember it wid hindi word GADBAD

garb (relate it to GARBAGE) AND IN GARBAGE all the spoiled and distorted materials are mixed up.

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Relate it with GARGLE... so when our voice get distorted or mixed up voice comes out.. we do gargle... to make it rite....

Any Project with Confused or insequential instructions leads (LED) to GARBage output, hence GARB-LED

GARB(age) LE(a)Ds to distorted and mixed up things

pronounce "g" in it as "j" and then u can see that it kinda sounds like "Jumbled" which almost means the same as "Garbled"

remember it with GARGLE. when you gargle water in your throat gets mixed up.

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