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    fulminate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word fulminate

    (noun) a salt or ester of fulminic acid Definition
    (verb) criticize severely
    Synonyms : rail
    Example Sentence
    • He fulminated against the Republicans' plan to cut Medicare
    • She railed against the bad social policies
    (verb) come on suddenly and intensely
    Example Sentence
    • the disease fulminated
    (verb) cause to explode violently and with loud noise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fulminate

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fulminate sounds like full + illuminate During an explosion or lightning, everything is illuminated completely.

I'm FULL I just ATE any more and I will explode!

Frustration will <B>culminate</B> in a loud verbal attack, an emotional explosion.

fulminate = foul + my + mate = criticize hardly

fulminate=full of mennace means creating mennace evrytime

fulminate:FUlly ILlUMINAted:::::: (IN KOI MIL GAYA movie)....The Aliens came suddenly illuminating the sky and changed the whole senerio drastically......

disseminate means scatter. full + eminate fully scatter , only an explosion can do this.

fuel+ illuminate

FULMINATE means to criticize severely. FULSOME means the opposite (excessive praise). ful-SOME is better than the ful-MINimum.

did u Fool Me Nate(short for Nathaniel)?!Just imagine Nate had just tried to fool one of his friend and now that he found out, he's furious and started criticizing Nate severely!

To "fully rate alout with hate"

-> can an administrator please delete this accidental duplicate? <-

fulminate=explode dynamite=explode so as both have same sound

~ Culminate~climax---In old films, climax is where the hero criticizes bad guys fully and they change. Full at culmination

for one FUL-MIN(my friend)-ATE...then xploded with loud noise

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