• word of the day


    fraught - Dictionary definition and meaning for word fraught

    (adj) marked by distress
    Example Sentence
    • a fraught mother-daughter relationship
    (adj) filled with or attended with
    Synonyms : pregnant
    Example Sentence
    • words fraught with meaning
    • an incident fraught with danger
    • a silence pregnant with suspense
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fraught

fraught->sounds like drought and both of dem are opposites

fraught = fraud + caught; The fraud or thief was caught. His pockets were filled with jewels and money.

Fraught sounds like 'fought'. When you have fought a war, your mind is filled with emotional distress from all the killings.

fraught sounds like brought...so means accompanied with!

A Dam (F)ailed to show signs of dRAUGHT, i.e. the Dam is FILLED.

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Picture a barge filled wtih FROST.

In Draught : You have no water in fields and in fraught its full

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