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    formidable - Dictionary definition and meaning for word formidable

    (adj) extremely impressive in strength or excellence
    Example Sentence
    • a formidable opponent
    • the challenge was formidable
    • had a formidable array of compositions to his credit
    • the formidable army of brains at the Prime Minister's disposal
    (adj) inspiring fear
    Synonyms : redoubtable , unnerving
    Example Sentence
    • the formidable prospect of major surgery
    • a tougher and more redoubtable adversary than the heel-clicking, jackbooted fanatic
    • something unnerving and prisonlike about high grey wall
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for formidable

FOR+ME+DEVIL...he is so strong...I'm afraid of him.

Imagine.. ur enemy threatening u that he will FORM + EDIBLE missiles and throw on ur house! :D I kno stupid but wil surely help!

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

FOR ME DOUBLE-dat's y i m scared or fear u know...

Being Formadible is not a commendable job ! You should never threaten anybody but should treat with love and friendship !

former will be having strength

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