• word of the day


    foment - Dictionary definition and meaning for word foment

    (verb) try to stir up public opinion
    Synonyms : agitate , stir up
    (verb) bathe with warm water or medicated lotions
    Example Sentence
    • His legs should be fomented
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for foment

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Foam starts to appear once you profusely foment (stir up) a soapy hot water bucket(2nd meaning ).

Science students can easily remember it as it sounds similar to fermentation.. and stirring is an important part of fermentation process.

f[oment] => moment. In dynamic kinetics, moment incite wheel to rotate.

FIRST - MOMENT...the initial or first moments of any successful person began with motivation

when a dog "foams at" the mouth it is "agitated"

foment rhymes with torment... when you torment someone, you stir anger up anger in the person.

sounds like ferment....when you ferment something you apply warmth to it(by keeping it in a cloth or closed vessel)

foment sounds like ferment

a batsman comes into form(sounds like foam) when he is INSPIRED by some one

STIRRING UP a soapy hot water bucket PROMOTES/INCITE the growth of FOAM.

stop stirring up eggs for a moment(foment) and add flour

sounds like tournments where players usually stir up and get instigated

extract the word "Foam" and think of the Foam used in fire extinguishers to put out a fire->Foment means to instigate,cause to burn,...

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