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    finicky - Dictionary definition and meaning for word finicky

    (adj) exacting especially about details
    Synonyms : finical , fussy , particular , picky
    Example Sentence
    • a finicky eater
    • fussy about clothes
    • very particular about how her food was prepared
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for finicky

may sound like PICKY

The finicky little girl didnt eat the FIN of the fish because she thought it was ICKY

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finicky is derived from word fine. A finicky eater always needs fine details about the menu before placing an order in a restaurant.

~fine+picky=Finicky: one who picks or is too particular about fine details that are unimportant.

finicky= A finicky person wants everything extremely fine, i.e he is too particular.

difficult to please children by giving a nick cap for a nike cap

Nicky wants everything fine

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