• word of the day


    factotum - Dictionary definition and meaning for word factotum

    (noun) a servant employed to do a variety of jobs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for factotum

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focus on totum : total meaning all

The Servant who does one job- just fucked partially. The servant who has to do all the JOBS- Fucked Totally- FACTOTUM

Factotum=Fact + totum = factory + total - We can remember it like doing all(total) the work in the factory

Factotum - FACT-TOTUM - If you can imagine the TOTUM(in INception) as a person... then the totum is a handy person who can tell you everything if you are in a DREAM

Example: Ramu kaka in old Bollywood flicks

facilitates+ total= a person who helps in all the things;

FACTOTUM = factory + tum; you are a factory i.e bunch of work.

fact - to - tum - sab jante he hoo,, means u r able to serve in wide range of capacities

factory total work is done by factotum robot

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