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    expostulate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word expostulate

    (verb) reason with (somebody) for the purpose of dissuasion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for expostulate

expostulate also means make a protest...EXPOSEtulate......when you expose your body too much, most of the people will oppose you !!!1

when someone exposes u... u feel disagreement or complain abt it

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ex+post+ulate....concentrate on post...WELL HERE YOU POST A TOPIC IN DISCUSSION FORUM .....WHY.??.so that you people can DISCUSS ABOUT IT

Ex(it) posulate => have to aruge to deny initial basis for reasonings

In terms of research, when you POSTULATE a new hypothesis, you have to reason it well with an aim of dissuasion

EXpose ur POSTULATES. in a discussion u present ur postulates, u argue or make ur point by exposing ur postulates.

for a lecture, when you're late with the prof, you expostulate

expostulate = ex ( cut) due to post you late.

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