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    exorcise - Dictionary definition and meaning for word exorcise

    (verb) expel through adjuration or prayers
    Synonyms : exorcize
    Example Sentence
    • exorcise evil spirits
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for exorcise

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remember the movie EXORCIST...in which priest WHO DRIVE OUT EVIL SPIRITS suicides in the end

exorcism is practice of removing an evil spirit from a body/house Exorcise means the same

exercise to drive out evil

exorcise - ex-corpse-cise = cut the ghost which was an ex-corpse

Exercise removes bad things (fat) from your body, and exorcise removes bad /evil spirits from your mind

excorcise = cise meanse to cut, so ex'sour'cise is to cut the sour spirits

exercise to drive out ex things(evil).

poda goiya

ex or cize; cut or cize means to make trim & neaty.

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