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    exigent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word exigent

    (adj) demanding attention
    Synonyms : clamant , crying , insistent , instant
    Example Sentence
    • clamant needs
    • a crying need
    • regarded literary questions as exigent and momentous
    • insistent hunger
    • an instant need
    (adj) requiring precise accuracy
    Synonyms : exacting
    Example Sentence
    • an exacting job
    • became more exigent over his pronunciation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for exigent

EX-tremely ur-GENT

sounds like Urgent!!!

exigent = [exi]st + [ur]gent -> require immediate action

EXtra urGENT because I am more important than "u r".

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Exit to Gent (exi-gent) -> Urgency &/ requiring exacting preciseness! ;)

sounds like 'accident' which requires immediate attention

Ex-I-Gent, all suitors for this lady (is you're a girl, be a boy or bi for this word). You=I, you are in the middle (grab most attention) and you are the most important so she should really think and pick you.

Exigent is like exident(accident) it requires urgent action when there is an accident.

exit these gents from here immediately

exacting and urgent!

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