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    estimable - Dictionary definition and meaning for word estimable

    (adj) deserving of respect or high regard Definition
    (adj) deserving of esteem and respect
    Synonyms : good , honorable , respectable
    Example Sentence
    • all respectable companies give guarantees
    • ruined the family's good name
    (adj) may be computed or estimated
    Synonyms : computable
    Example Sentence
    • a calculable risk
    • computable odds
    • estimable assets
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for estimable

firstly... estimable -> estimate. able to calculate. secondly, estimable->esteem.. and esteem means respect.

Estimable/Esteem= great respect,Just think in olden days if any one goes in Ford Esteem Car they will be respected,since they are Rich and helps others.....

estimable(stem +able) The stem of asparagus is able to cure heart disease so it is highly valuable,worthy and respectful

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