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    esoteric - Dictionary definition and meaning for word esoteric

    (adj) confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle
    Example Sentence
    • a compilation of esoteric philosophical theories
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HISTORIC things are known to few people

the world is like Estrogen, which is a female hormone..and we all know that females are HARD TO UNDERSTAND and KNOWN ONLY TO FEW :) !!

Experts (E) are so (SO) fond of terrible (TER) words.

Esoteric <> Exoteric. Ex- = outside, external

its so tedha (hard to understand)

jumbling 'esoteric' gives the word 'secret'.. esoteric relates to secret brotherhood kind-of.. its mysterious and also understood only by the members of that group

E-sot-eric sounds like: "He sought eric" to explain to him the difficult philosophy text.

esoTERIC-TERRIFIC.something terrific is difficult to understand

Esoteric: E(Einstein)+So+Teric(Terrific=of great size,amount,or intensity, excellent),Hence Einstein theories(general relativity) are SO Terific,only known or understood to only few

esoteric = e + storic = one story; It is included in a story.

A sort of trick - So understood by only few people

Eso sounds like "S" and "O" which stand for specific organization

toyota big...iota small

hE'S SO TERribly InCoherent

e+so(some)+term So few people

A religion that finds AIR SO TERRIfiC/ is known and understood only by a few.

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