• word of the day


    enfranchise - Dictionary definition and meaning for word enfranchise

    (verb) grant freedom to; as from slavery or servitude
    Synonyms : affranchise
    Example Sentence
    • Slaves were enfranchised in the mid-19th century
    (verb) grant voting rights
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enfranchise

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en+franchise...a franchise is an official authority (to sell goods...or any other thngs)of a company.and every franchise boss has VOTING POWER in the company.origin-franch.means free, so freedom is nothing but voting power.

Historically the French revolution addressed citizenship then these ideas spread. Look to FRANCH and remember the French citizenship and rights.

if ur franchise of a company u have right to VOTE for its policies.freedom to vote being a franchise

in IPL auctions respective team franchise's vote for a player with their bidding amount.. no other person has right to vote in this auction..

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