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    endue - Dictionary definition and meaning for word endue

    (verb) give qualities or abilities to
    Synonyms : empower , endow , gift , indue , invest
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for endue

DUE, a cold drink. Having a chilled DUE in summer empowers you. so Endue.

Endue - END+DUE - until you 'provide with quality', you are DUE till the END.

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endue<->endow so we have to learn endow: endow=en+DOW(in hindi: to give), thus TO GiVE + some quality

EN+DUE, My payment is DUE if it comes I am powerful.

Looks Like Ensure...So if some one ensure about some thing ,it is os good quality....

due <-> appropriate. Making something due to a person(Imagine some good position in office) is by givning him/her qualities

Endue-'due' if we r in due(money) to anyone..we return the due with some amount as interest.. i.e; provide wid some quality...

if u enable the due then I will be powerful in money..

Whatever due he wants from us give him,i.e empowering him.

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