• word of the day


    embargo - Dictionary definition and meaning for word embargo

    (noun) a government order imposing a trade barrier Definition
    (verb) ban the publication of (documents), as for security or copyright reasons
    Example Sentence
    • embargoed publications
    (verb) prevent commerce
    Example Sentence
    • The U.S. embargoes Libya
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for embargo

embargo = ban + cargo

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end+bar( a way of earning money , a kind of business)+go--imagine if the government Bans(end) people from Going to the Bar's, it is IN TURN stopping the business activity.

they bar a business activity from going, we call it embargo

embargo ~ end+bargains ... kinda loss or restriction on trade

In the wordo emBARGO( sounds like CARGO), so in most of the planes some of the items are banned

Remember bargo with margo soap:- The government imposed a ban on business of margo soaps.

embargo = no barge go

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