• word of the day


    emaciated - Dictionary definition and meaning for word emaciated

    (adj) very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold
    Example Sentence
    • emaciated bony hands
    • a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys
    • eyes were haggard and cavernous
    • small pinched faces
    • kept life in his wasted frame only by grim concentration
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for emaciated

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ema + ci + ate...consider ema as the name of a gal.. "ema..oh ! ci(she) ate but she still looks thin


ema-ciated (ciliated means minute i.e. thin)

E + maciated. E's mathiated, all he does is study math; he does no physical activity, therefore he's emaciated.

ema(EMMA)+ci(SHE)+ate..after recovering from iilness EMMA becomes so THIN AND WEAKENED that SHE ATE a lot of food and stuffs....

can be learned from word macerate---which means to make weak...

E+ma+ci(she)+ate....HE MADE n SHE ate...so HE became thin...withered

mausi eat something u r so emaciated

• E+mass+heated…heating mass is to become thin …

they are so much EMACIATED,,just EMANCIPATE them

Ema wwatson kitna hi khale(ate),bt she'll remain very thin.... ema+masturbate: if ema watson masturbates daily,she'll get more thin..:p

e+MAC(Apple product)+ciated, Remember like apple products are thin..

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