• word of the day


    egalitarian - Dictionary definition and meaning for word egalitarian

    (noun) a person who believes in the equality of all people
    Synonyms : equalitarian
    (adj) favoring social equality
    Synonyms : classless
    Example Sentence
    • a classless society
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for egalitarian

for EAGLES, it does not matter which person's meat is that, ultimately they have to fill their stomach being scavengers. EAGLES are EGALitarians.

egalitarian=equal+literate that is equality of people

EGALITARIAN=e+gal+literate+ian,a person who advocates that not only boys,but gals shld also be literate.therefore he is one who BELIEVES IN EQUALITY OF PPL.

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eagle in amarican symbol means equal opportunity for all students

e+gal+litarian—one who says GAL(girls) should also be LITARIAN(literate) BELIEVES IN EQUALITY OF PEOPLE

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