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    effigy - Dictionary definition and meaning for word effigy

    (noun) a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture)
    Synonyms : image , simulacrum
    Example Sentence
    • the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln
    • the emperor's tomb had his image carved in stone
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for effigy

a fig(ure) y

after india knocked out of t20....angry crowd burnt da dummy(effigy) of ms dhoni .....ffig can b thought of figure....

e+ ffigy --> ye furgy (misrepresented)

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Famous footballer ef"FIGO" do dummy tricks with football...

efFIGy... when FIGO moved from Braca to Real his dummies were burnt

hE has the FIGure of a GuY

effigy = ef (effective) + fig (figure)

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