• word of the day


    ecclesiastic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ecclesiastic

    (noun) a clergyman or other person in religious orders
    Synonyms : churchman , cleric , divine
    (adj) of or associated with a church (especially a Christian Church)
    Synonyms : ecclesiastical
    Example Sentence
    • ecclesiastic history
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ecclesiastic

(ecclesiastic = eccles + iastic) eccles sounds like 'EGG-LESS' and priests generally don't eat eggs.

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assume the word eccles as x-les.so people who dont have(less) " X"(girlfrnds,wives.etc), are generally priests in west...lol...

eccles = sex less.. priests are forbidden from having sex. (No offense meant)

think it as eclairs +ealstic--- we get ecliars at church -- @ khrismas

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