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    dupe - Dictionary definition and meaning for word dupe

    (noun) a person who is tricked or swindled
    Synonyms : victim
    (verb) fool or hoax
    Example Sentence
    • The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone
    • You can't fool me!
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dupe

duplicates(in movies) are used to fool people....

DUPE sounds like dope means so "to impure something", means to cheat someone....

dupe = [du]mmy+[pe]t ex. a fool dog

That DUde Punk'd mE! ~ Dupe

from dupe think of dopehead which means stupid & he can be easily cheated

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

Soud like dukes and Dukes can deceive us by giving taste of mango

Sounds like POPE: pope who deceives people for money in Vatican city

people who Dope (i.e. take drugs) are fools

people who dope are victim of deception; they can be easily deceived

a dude is like stud, who is smart whereas a dupe is stupid and can be tricked easily


dupe; (DU)mb+(PE)rson ; a dumb person can be fooled or tricked easily

dupe is a shortform of duplicate....duplicates are used in movies to fool people...

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