• word of the day


    due - Dictionary definition and meaning for word due

    (noun) that which is deserved or owed
    Example Sentence
    • give the devil his due
    (noun) a payment that is due (e.g., as the price of membership)
    Example Sentence
    • the society dropped him for non-payment of dues
    (adj) owed and payable immediately or on demand
    Example Sentence
    • payment is due
    (adj) scheduled to arrive
    Example Sentence
    • the train is due in 15 minutes
    (adj) suitable to or expected in the circumstances
    Example Sentence
    • all due respect
    • due cause to honor them
    • a long due promotion
    • in due course
    • due esteem
    • exercising due care
    (adj) capable of being assigned or credited to
    Synonyms : ascribable , imputable , referable
    Example Sentence
    • punctuation errors ascribable to careless proofreading
    • the cancellation of the concert was due to the rain
    • the oversight was not imputable to him
    (adv) directly or exactly; straight
    Example Sentence
    • went due North

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text: isn't due she's married then her husband
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