• word of the day


    doggerel - Dictionary definition and meaning for word doggerel

    (noun) a comic verse of irregular measure
    Synonyms : doggerel verse , jingle
    Example Sentence
    • he had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for doggerel

look for the dog word here.....and now try to imagine about the song......WHO LET THE DOGS OUT.............ISN'T IT FUNNY.......SO SOMETHING COMICAL......THIS WORD IS ASSOCIATED WITH COMICAL...SO A COMIC ..SONG..COMIC VERSE...

dog+ge[ji]+rel[real]..assume some1 singing DOG JI TUSSE TOH REALLY REAL HO....even the dog will say its a bad verse..lol


When a dog (a bad boy) want to play with a girl he may use poor verse" doggerel (dog+girl)" to make her change her mind.

because the dog licked my writing homework, I was left with doggerel writing that was pretty funny.

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Most dogs in the comics are shown with inappropriate proportions, the head being too small or big teeth.

"DOG GIRL EARL", this is a doggerel

dog+beral(cat)in tom & jerry show

kutay ki tarah bhonka, means useless talk, ultimately doggeral

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