• word of the day


    disperse - Dictionary definition and meaning for word disperse

    (verb) distribute loosely
    Synonyms : dot , dust , scatter , sprinkle
    Example Sentence
    • He scattered gun powder under the wagon
    (verb) to cause to separate and go in different directions
    Synonyms : break up , dispel , dissipate , scatter
    Example Sentence
    • She waved her hand and scattered the crowds
    (verb) cause to separate
    Synonyms : break up , scatter
    Example Sentence
    • break up kidney stones
    • disperse particles
    (verb) move away from each other
    Synonyms : dissipate , scatter , spread out
    Example Sentence
    • The crowds dispersed
    • The children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached
    (verb) separate (light) into spectral rays
    Example Sentence
    • the prosm disperses light
    (verb) cause to become widely known
    Example Sentence
    • spread information
    • circulate a rumor
    • broadcast the news
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disperse

Things scattered from her purse.

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Disburse money to the poor people from your purse .

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