• word of the day


    discernible - Dictionary definition and meaning for word discernible

    (adj) perceptible by the senses or intellect
    Synonyms : discernable
    Example Sentence
    • things happen in the earth and sky with no discernible cause
    • the newspaper reports no discernible progress in the negotiations
    • the skyline is easily discernible even at a distance of several miles
    (adj) capable of being perceived clearly
    Example Sentence
    • an essay with a meaning that was not always discernible
    (adj) capable of being seen or noticed
    Synonyms : evident , observable
    Example Sentence
    • a discernible change in attitude
    • a clearly evident erasure in the manuscript
    • an observable change in behavior
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for discernible

break as Dis-earn-able anything from which money can be earned is easily distinguishable...

discern sounds like an opposite of concern.wen u discern someone ,u would find a distinguishable change after u meet that person after a long time...isnt it ..!!!?

Dis (sounds like This) + CERN (physics project in Europe, if u don know google for it) = THIS CERN project must have a lot of mentally quick and observant scientists, since it is one of the largest projects in the world!

dis-is-earnable (perceivable)

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"NIBBLE" is to spend time on small things .. that is distinguish smallest part in details.. :P similarly Disernible

if u r discerning...everything is discernible...!!!

split as did and earn means that the money earned is distinguished for every employee

sounds like VISIBLE that is perceivable

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