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    dilettante - Dictionary definition and meaning for word dilettante

    (noun) an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge
    Synonyms : dabbler , sciolist
    (adj) showing frivolous or superficial interest; amateurish
    Example Sentence
    • his dilettantish efforts at painting
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dilettante

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DIL(my heart) ETTANTE ATU..watever my heart says ill jus follow bilndly

'Dil' (Heart)+ 'e' (hey) + ttante sounds like (anti). So when you are doing any work against your heart, you don't take it seriously.

i called ramu tent wala and ramu tied dhilla(loose) tent because he was dilettante.

DIE + LET (t) + ANT + (e) = An amateur who lets the ant die because of lack of expertise

dilettant sounds like DEBUTANT (an unskilled person)

If you move the 'di' to the end of the word, you can get 'let ants die', which someone who kept an ant farm for superficial reasons would do

divide it like dilett+ante(aunt)...dilett(sounds like DELIGHT)......so your AUNT who does painting just becoz she gets DELIGHTED BY DOING THIS..BUT SHE DOES NOT HAVe any interest in it to persue it further as her career.

dilettante - let + ant let me follow the ant ( imagine ants moving one behind the other even i will do the same ) so i am aimless follower

DILETTANTE: Interesting word sounds like it came from the combination of -DIS LITTLE ANT- which of course for a human being is derogatory and can only be used for an amateur, a novice or a dabbler.

A person whose interest can dilute very easily

sounds like militant >>> there are many militants who are blindly following their predecessors in the name of jihad, without any personal fights against ppl..

dilettante; you have to take it from dile,becoz he drops it to dile so he is not careful.

Dante is no Dilettante , He is a great poet

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