remember this sentence. il bet ul never forget it in ur life
" modern gowns are diaphanous" .i.e transparent
Think of the clear cellophane plastic wrap, which is clear. PHANE, meaning clear, is the same root that is found in diaphanous.
dia- circular
phan - fan
When fan circulates it is transparent (i.e) we can see tru the wings of the fan
Dia+phanous sounds like famous.. Famous celebrities usually portray themselves 'Transparent' i.e. wat they appear 2 outside world they actually are the same inside!
diaphanous- dia(mirza)'s phans(fans) like to see her in transperent clothes
diaphanēs, from dia 'through' + phainein 'to show'
DIE HARD FANous....I am a die hard fan of light and delicate and almost transparent clothes....
Diaper for hens are made transparent so that farmer can know when they have laid eggs and when they have done shit.
photon can pass
Imagine Dia Mirza wearing a dress made of cellophene paper
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