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    despot - Dictionary definition and meaning for word despot

    (noun) a cruel and oppressive dictator
    Synonyms : autocrat , tyrant
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for despot

Cruel dictators kill thousands of people on de (the) spot (despot)

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de + sportive..a person who is not sportive is authoritative

de-spot in many movies we hear the word SPOT being used by the villains in reference to murdering someone. this symbolizes harshness

despot sounds like despo.......so when v r despo for something v may become harsh

despot=দেশ পটানো শাসক,যে সবাইকে manage করে একাই দেশ চালায়।so tyrant.

Des+pot sound like Desh ko pot me rakhta hai

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