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    desist - Dictionary definition and meaning for word desist

    (verb) choose not to consume
    Synonyms : abstain , refrain
    Example Sentence
    • I abstain from alcohol
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for desist

DESIST rhymes with resist.so when yu resist ur temptations it means yu ABSTAIN or REFRAIN from it

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desist: Think of insist, resist, desist. The three "sist" verbs are on a something of a progressive "forceful" related actions: insist - to forcefully demand, resist - to forcefully oppose, and desist - to forcefully stop.

DO+RESIST....have resistance to DO something...hence DESIST...imagine your mother is saying you.."DO RESIST ALCHOHOL"...

DESIST => Break it as Dis+ Assist i.e assisting no more or stop doing something.

To Insist mean to do something so to desist mean to stop doing something

itna RESIST karoge to operation DESIST karna padega

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