• word of the day


    depreciate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word depreciate

    (verb) belittle
    Synonyms : deprecate , vilipend
    Example Sentence
    • The teacher should not deprecate his student's efforts
    (verb) lower the value of something
    Example Sentence
    • The Fed depreciated the dollar once again
    (verb) lose in value
    Synonyms : devaluate , devalue , undervalue
    Example Sentence
    • The dollar depreciated again
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for depreciate

appreciate = value increases. depreciate = value decreases

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focus on preciate in depriciate.price share market me gire.

DE-aPRECIATE the bad things coz they are LESSEN IN VALUE...

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text: go on I know goanna depreciate I don't
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