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    deplore - Dictionary definition and meaning for word deplore

    (verb) express strong disapproval of
    Example Sentence
    • We deplore the government's treatment of political prisoners
    (verb) regret strongly
    Synonyms : bemoan , bewail , lament
    Example Sentence
    • I deplore this hostile action
    • we lamented the loss of benefits
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deplore

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when i explored other countries, i deplored it. INDIA is the best!!!

similar to explore..politicians explore different ways to express their disapproval against the ruling party..

In election polotical parties diplomatically deplore the opposition parties

read it as when you REGRET you make DEP(deep) LOud rORE.

DIPpa LO REddy...DIPpa LO REddy ani Reddys are regretting,coz dey dont hav reservations

When person is not capable to explore then he will be deplore means depress (express sorrow and regret)

when i come to noe noe that the ORE (iron ore) is going to DEP(deplete)i stongly regret

Depressed by the Lord->suppose a servant has been depressed because of the severe criticism he had received from his Lord

I deplore deep (or profound) lore (or folktale)

disagree for explore bermuda triangle, regret, express sorrow and severe disapproval for something bad

Deplore & Implore have same routs : to cry aloud. "Prisoners implored to improve their deplorable conditions"

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